Out of the silence
A tentative note sings in a silence.
It evokes a second note, in harmony with the first.
Their chord invites more notes --
a rush, a torrent, that dances like raindrops,
a bouquet, a cascade,
a swirl of swallows etching
fractal patterns in the skies,
never to be forgotten.
A tentative glance hovers in a silence.
It evokes another glance, shyly intimate.
Their accord invites communion,
builds connections -- a meeting of minds
that blossoms like sunflowers
turning to greet the morning sun.
The bubble around them shimmers, shines,
never to be forgotten.
A tentative word breaks the silence.
It evokes other words that combine into a chorus
that strikes a chord, inviting idle minds
to venture beyond stale horizons.
Insights scatter rose petals,
bring rain to parched imaginations.
promise a path through darkling plains,
never to be forgotten.
A tentative thought drifts into the silence.....
n Jim Taylor July 2018