My Poetry


Published on Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Crescent moon

Crescent moon


Hail to thee, silver crescent in the sky.

Tell me what you think you are.


Are you the universal sickle --

whetstoned symbol of seasonal harvest,

a harbinger of hope 

that reaps the plainest grains,

to feed the famined millions?


Are you the sword of Damocles, 

doom slung by a single silken thread 

above the bowed necks

of mindless drones devoted 

to their own deluded interests?


Or are you the scimitar of Saladin, 

white-hot steel tempered in the algebra of zero, 

scything a swath of unconditional submission

wherever you find deserts of despair? 


The sands below you whisper a sibilant song

that none but prophets hear --

words of wisdom metered by the  migration

of shifting dunes, surfing grain by grain

towards an unknown destination.


I would be a prophet too. 

Speak, O shining shard of wisdom.



Jim Taylor, December 2018

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Author: Jim Taylor

Categories: Poetry

Tags: moon, crescent, Saladin, Damocles, sickle, scimitar



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