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Let’s give Donald Trump some credit for consistency – he has never, at any time, said that there are “some fine people” among Islamic terrorists.
He’s probably right that there are “some fine people” among the white-supremacist neo-Nazi racist alt-right Confederacy-clinging thugs who rioted and murdered in Charlottesville. If you use the right criteria to evaluate them, that is. They drink beer with their buddies. They love cars and pickup trucks. They go to church and to ball games. They may even tithe. They loan their lawn mowers to neighbours.
What’s not to like?
Trump probably considers himself to be a good father, a good neighbour, a nice guy -- when he’s not playing president.
Little wonder he found it hard to condemn people like himself.
Categories: Sharp Edges
Tags: ISIS, alt-right, fascist, white supremacist, Charlottesville