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We humans are contradictory creatures.
Although many animals will assist the vulnerable among their own members, and a few will even adopt orphans of other species, we humans seem to be the only ones who will band together to help total strangers -- people we have never met and may never meet, people of different religion, culture, and origins. So we organize to help refugees in Syria and Myanmar. We fund charities that work in distant lands. And when a hailstorm of bullets felled a crowd in Las Vegas, we throw ourselves on top of others to protect them; we ruin the upholstery in our cars by rushing bleeding victims to hospitals; we risk our own lives to help others escape.
We have made compassion a primary virtue.
At the same time, we are the only species that kills for pleasure. Not even scorpions and cobras kill for the sake of killing.
Categories: Sharp Edges
Tags: Las Vegas, massacre, shooting, mass shooting, Stephen Paddock, Cecil the lion. Zanda